“Your Constitution is Killing You” by Daniel Lazare

Daniel Lazare in his master piece “Your Constitution is Killing You,” presents excellent arguments towards proving his school of thought that the Second Amendment is old-fashioned. Although this piece of work presents a lot of controversy, Daniel tries hard to pass his idea over to readers in a manner that is simple and easily understood. This topic has been the central issue of debates held over many years now; Daniel seeks to emphasize the need to have a step taken in order to resolve matters of contention.

To tee him off, he makes plain the problems posed by the second amendment in a very interesting manner. Here, he brings out a number of cases linked to the amendment loop holes that have affected many people in the recent times. For instance, he presents the Columbine case that is many a time cites as having had a serious impact on the lives of many people. Such is the case that the events marking this case have always remained fresh in the minds of those affected. Daniel gives statistics on guns, a factor that serves to show the seriousness of the issue under discussion.

In addition to this, Lazare takes his time to backdate and bring out the reasons that led to the amendment.Taking advantage of the details acquired from historical records, he satisfactorily shows the reasons why he considers this amendment obsolete. Up to this point, it obvious that the author acknowledges the fact that the minds behind the present constitution had a view of the dictatorial tendencies posed by a majority. The Bill of Rights, in Daniel’s opinion, was incepted to provide a system of checks and balances with regard to an individual’s freedom vis-à-vis the government’s control. This makes Lazare extremely incensed when the growth is hampered by technicalities posed by factors that can be easily brought under control.

Posted by July 7th, 2016
